D&D yeaaahh!!
Intentando escribir mas en mi blog. aunque no creo que nadie leea mucho de lo que pongo. aun asi, escribire en ingles pues los tres chicharos que me conocen aca tomaron algo de interez en saber que demonios hago en este espacio.
In any case, so far so good. As I've seen more and more of korea i think i might give it another shot at staying here with a much more positive look. I dont know, really.
what I do know is the persistent interest of some fellows to read my blog. in which i dont really write much but when I do, i amaze myself.
So, since some questioned the veracity of babel fish to properly translate the word 'coreas' from spanish into its 'koreas' english equivalent i shalt write in my second language from time to time and hopefully the few (canadians) intersted will appreciate this. So today I have no real topic and it would be on the best interest of my audience to just freeball it.
so... ok. Let me start by doind a recap of my life. i was born, raised and soon to die in a lonely rock were my friends where far and hard to reach. now at this point the premise should be easy to understand, our hero (me) will soon meet a certain person that triggers his destiny. or would happen if i were named luke and that someone was made completely of metal, or if my name would be mohammed or something fancy like that. In any case, i find it very hard to find a voice in this other tongue in which the only literature I've read pertains to a language very closed in scope. Not only this, but the fact that i can't write in prose with a good rythm. It was hard enough to find it in the previous language. But who cares!
did I tell you about the time I was playing Halo with my buddies?... I did huh?
It has come to my attention that my life is pretty mundane. I got on the LOL bandwagon and i have been using it more than ever in my life, which i kinda dont mind, but when my other midtwenties friends look at me, they do it in disgust. hmm.... this is not looking good. must find ways to keep youre attention enough so the google counter at the bottom of the page gives me feed time.
yeah, i know you want to do it.
oh yeah, lets talk about typhoon kompasu, wait! i slept trough that. fuck, oh no, i did wake up to turn my a/c down since it was too cold. i did wonder why my front tree was moving in such a violent manner, trees... dont really move you know. seriously.
today there was an aftershock or something, lots of rain and loud noises and all that stuff. i really have no clue, back home it rains for 20 mins every six months and the whole city gets flooded. so these kinds of things leave me in awe.
That typhoon would have been sweet the night we played D&D, now that was something else. they sure as hell got a new paladin on me, i tell you what.
Other than that not much has happened? bought a new fridge. got some groceries, did some laundry, cried, watched T.V. went to the store. same old same old. I did have a blast at shane and dans away week/weekend/evening thing, it was great. ill miss those cool cats. well until i go over to canadia and see them and all the other cool peeps down there. i bet someone is bound to need some gardening or roofing, maybe cooking, but thats more of a woman thing where i come from. so its not really in my genealogy. meh, ill cut it short im getting boring, or was it bored? damn koreans!
2 comentarios:
thanks for the great info! many of today blogs are just non sense…
viardo dlya zheniwn
mierda viejo, deberias aceptar que el español es mucho más elegante y poético que el ingles, si hubieras escrito tu vida en español y no en ingles hubiera sonado como si fueras alguien, en ingles suena aburrida. Que tus amigos Canadienses se jodan y aprendan español si quieren leer tu blog.
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